This information can help you determine where a problem occurs in a specific area of a site or application.
You can view which requests are currently processing in the worker process, and then use that information to investigate why a certain request takes so much time to process.
The currently executing request information in IIS Manager returns the following information about requests in a worker process:
- Site ID. The site identifier (ID) for the specific request.
- Url. The requested Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
- Verb. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) verb used in the request.
- Client IP. The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client who made the request.
- State. The current pipeline module state that the request is in.
- Module Name. The current module that the request is in.
- Time Elapsed. The period of time the request has been in process.
Via the GUI
Open IIS Manager.
In the Connections pane, select the server node in the tree.
In Features View, double-click Worker Processes.
Select a worker process from the grid.
Click View Current Requests in the Actions pane.
View the list of requests in the grid.
Via the Command Line
cd Windows\System32\inetsrv
appcmd list requests - show all current requests
appcmd list requests /elapsed:4000 - show all current requests taking longer than 4 seconds to execute
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