Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Force reboot a crashed linux server

force a reboot in linux

if a server is still reachable via ssh, then a reboot can be forced:
 echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Show unused / disconnected devices in Device Manager

Normally the device manager only shows currenly loaded and in use drivers and devices.

This makes removing none connected devices and unused drivers difficult.

from windows, run cmd.exe, type: set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

Then start devmgmt.msc
From the gui select "View" -> "Show hidden devices"
now you can delete non-used drivers /devices.

Force a network drive to disconnect in Windows with NET USE /delete

An undocumented switch exists to force to disconnect a network drive using NET USE :
The /YES switch forces the disconnection, also if files are open, the disconnect succeeds without promting the user.
Without this the user will be prompted yes / no to continue